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Who We Are

LARM Staff

Fred Wiebelhaus

Fred Wiebelhaus

Fred joined the League Association of Risk Management team March 1, 2016. He has 17 years of experience in the insurance claims field. He has held positions of staff adjuster, field supervisor and independent adjuster. Prior to entering the insurance claims field, Fred served 9 ½ years with the Norfolk Police Division, ending his career there as an Investigator. 

Fred earned a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from the University of Nebraska – Kearney. He also earned Certification as a Nebraska Law Enforcement officer.

Fred holds an Associate in Claims designation from the Insurance Institute of America and is a licensed Property and Casualty Insurance agent in Nebraska. He also has received the Certified Playground Safety Inspector (CPSI)  designation through the National Recreation and Park Association.

Fred is married with three children. He is involved with the Knights of Columbus, the VFW,  and the Elkhorn Valley Amateur Radio Club.