Law enforcement officers are apt to encounter dangerous individuals in the line of duty, so it's of vital importance that they take the proper safety precautions, including wearing a bulletproof vest.
The League Association of Risk Management (LARM) is now offering funds towards the purchase of a bulletproof vest for LARM member police departments. The LARM Armor program will provide $700 towards an approved vest for qualifying members.
"We understand that many communities do not have the resources to pay for a bulletproof vest for their officers. We want to help keep the officers safe by providing them with assistance for a vest," said Dave Bos, LARM Executive Director.
A requirement of being awarded funds for this program would be that the LARM member police department is required to show they have in place a “mandatory wear” policy for their patrol officers. LARM has a model policy available for members here.
The application below must be submitted and approved before purchasing the bulletproof vest. A mandatory wear policy must be emailed to Fred Wiebelhaus - fred.wiebelhaus@larmpool.org prior to approval. Once approved, the member can purchase a vest and submit a receipt to LARM for reimbursement for up to $700 for its purchase.
Deadline for submitting the LARM Armor application is September 15, 2025.
Photo of staff and item is required for press release. Please email to Diane Becker at diane.becker@larmpool.org.
If you have any questions about the program please contact Fred Wiebelhaus at fred.wiebelhaus@larmpool.org - 402-440-9129.
(updated 1-17-2025)