utilizing video and telephone conferencing
Friday, March 26, 2021, 9:30 a.m. CT/8:30 a.m. MT
Per Governor Pete Ricketts Executive Order 20-36 issued December 1, 2020, and Executive Order 21-02 issued January 11, 2021, to extend the waiver to April 30, 2021 CORONAVIRUS - PUBLIC MEETINGS REQUIREMENT LIMITED WAIVER
“All governing bodies may meet by videoconference or by telephone conferencing or by conferencing by other electronic communication so long as there is made available at such meeting access to members of the public and to members of the media.”
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on Friday, March 26, 2021, at 9:30 a.m. CT/8:30 a.m. MT, the League Association of Risk Management (LARM), will hold a LARM Board of Directors meeting utilizing video and telephone conferencing. An agenda of subjects known at this time is included with this notice, and the agenda shall be kept continually current and readily available for public inspection at the principal office of LARM during normal business hours at 1335 L Street, Lincoln, Nebraska. On March 19, 2021, a notice of this meeting with the agenda and other materials was sent to all LARM members and the LARM Board. Notice of this meeting with the agenda and other materials is available for public inspection at 1335 L Street, in Lincoln, Nebraska, and posted on LARM’s and the League of Nebraska Municipalities’ websites- larmpool.org and lonm.org/larm and the LARM’s Facebook page- www.facebook.com/larmne.
Click here for the 3-26-2021 LARM Board Meeting Notice and Agenda with Supplementary Materials
Thank you for taking time from your busy schedules to participate.
Hickman Mayor Doug Hanson, Chair of the LARM Board
Ansley Clerk/Treasurer Lanette Doane, Vice-Chair of the LARM Board