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LARM Member News



Village of Murray receives $500 Safety Grant

The Village of Murray was awarded a $500 Lean on LARM Safety Grant for the purchase of a stainless steel basket and pole. The equipment is used to catch debris that runs into the sewer through the manhole prior to flowing into the pit that houses the pumps for the lift station.

"Utilizing these debris-catching baskets will allow the maintenance worker to pull up the basket on a pole to remove the debris without the worker having to descend into the manhole for cleaning. This will remove the safety hazard of physically entering the manhole area, and it will keep our sewers cleaner and protect the pumps and extend their working life," said Shelly Hayes, Village of Murray Clerk.

The League Association of Risk Management (LARM) is a risk management provider for government entities in Nebraska and provides grants for items that promote safety in member communities.

Pictured from left to right are Murray maintenance operators Jerome Speck and Ben Moore.