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LARM Member News

Gwen Horky new member of LARM Board of Directors

Gwenda Horky, Clerk/Treasurer for the City of Sargent, was recently appointed to serve on the League Association of Risk Management (LARM) Board of Directors.  She replaces LeAnn Brown, who recently retired as the Clerk/Treasurer of the Village of Oshkosh.  LARM is a Nebraska risk management pool that provides coverages and services to Nebraska cities, villages, and other governmental agencies.  It is governed by a 15-member board of directors. A complete list of the board members is at

Gwen has worked at the City of Sargent for 14 years.  She graduated from the University of Nebraska at Kearney in May 2008 with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in   Business Education and Vocational Education.  She worked for eight years at First Nebraska Bank in Arcadia, Nebraska,  one and half years at Dana F. Cole in Broken Bow, Nebraska, and as a para at Sargent Public Schools for five years.

She and her husband, Mark Horky, have three children and five grandchildren.