The Village of Elsie received a $500 Lean on LARM Safety Grant to purchase a magnetic locator. According to Wade Turner, the Village Superintendent who applied for the grant, the locator will be beneficial in finding meter pits, valve boxes, and curb stops.
"In locating these items, the Village reduces liability if a contractor or individual digs into a water main. As an example, locating two valve boxes an employee can then get a line of sight for a water main. When the line is marked an excavator or contractor would know where a line is and can avoid digging into it. This is a great tool for water and sewer applications; however, this locator could assist in locating property stakes," Turner said.
LARM provides a safety grant to members who want to purchase items that increase the safety of their communities.
Pictured is Ken Gibbons, Village Maintenance/Water Operator.