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Who We Are

LARM is...

David City, Nebraska

Our Vision

The League Association of Risk Management will provide our members, who own the program, reliable and continuous service that effectively manages their financial risks and promotes rate and coverage stability.  

Our Mission

To proactively identify, prevent or economically resolve risk exposures in a professional manner while supporting an environment of education, integrity and consistency that results in the mitigation of risk.

How LARM is Governed

LARM provides coverage and risk management services to cities, villages and other governmental agencies in Nebraska. LARM’s goal is to be a long-term, stable, cost-effective risk management alternative for Nebraska governmental entities. See our LARM FAQs.

LARM is a risk management pool organized pursuant to the Intergovernmental Risk Management Act (IRMA), Neb. Rev. Stat. Sections 44-4301 to 44-4339. LARM is an association formed by more than two Nebraska public agencies by agreement and must comply with IRMA and the rules and regulations of the Nebraska Department of Insurance. IRMA states a risk management pool organized pursuant to IRMA shall not be considered an insurance company or insurer under the laws of the state of Nebraska. IRMA recognizes the unique legal status of pools and creates regulations specifically for them. IRMA allows the Director of the Nebraska Department of Insurance to adopt and promulgate rules and regulations related to maintaining reserves, payment of dividends, payment of claims and changes to the structure of the Pool.

The governing authority of LARM is a Board of Directors consisting of elected or appointed officials or employees of participating members. The President and Executive Director of the League of Nebraska Municipalities (LNM) serve as non-voting ex officio members of the Board of Directors.